Weekly Notices - 26th January 2025
Having just spent a week away from my desk, on Annual Leave, I am looking forward now to a year of Encouraging Blessings as we walk together on this journey of discipleship and love for each other. My thanks and gratitude go out to our Wardens and Clergy for allowing me this time off.
2025 is proving to be a year in which a few major decisions will have to be made on my part, and I ask your prayers as I discern things like Sunday service times, service formats, regularity of our Worship times and a host of other things ministry-wise.
I know that final decisions regarding these fields rests solely on the Vicar’s shoulders, and I just ask that we all hold St Aug’s in prayer as we find ways to explore Growth and Expansion into our community here on the hill.
Over the next few weeks, I ask each of you to consider the following if we go ahead with a Sunday morning Combined 10am every week:
1. We have a team of very proud and professional organists who so willingly give us their time for the 9.30am services. If we were to change the time/format of our Sunday morning service, how will this affect our organists who, then, will not be required so regularly?
2. Do we have the capacity to demand the regular (say, fortnightly) leadership of our 11am Band – to ensure that both congregations are catered for fairly?
3. Will we have enough people from our congregations who will be willing to step up and be counted on for Communion Assistants, Welcomers etc. each week/fortnight? (This is a recurring problem at present)
4. Will we need to organize another service later on Sundays?
These are but a few of the areas that I struggle with, and which need to be looked at before any formal decisions are made.
May God always bless St Aug’s and may His will be done.
~ Your Friend and Vicar, Kofe
Vicar Kofe
This Sunday’s service (26th January)
Theme: ‘God’s work, proclaimed in the law’
Sentence: ‘Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah: ‘The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives.’ Luke 4:18
God of all mercy,
your Son brought good news to the despairing,
freedom to the oppressed
and joy to the sad;
fill us with your spirit that the people of our day may see in us his likeness
and glorify your name.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-30a and Luke 3: 15 – 17, 21 -22
Parish News
· This is the last week of our scheduled Sunday Morning “10am Combined Service.” Please note that next Sunday, 02 Feb, we will be returning to our regular 9.30am and 11am services in church.
· Mid-week Communion will start up for the year on Wed 5th Feb – a day before our Waitangi holiday.
· Some of you might be aware that Ciru had an accident last week here at St Aug’s, and is at home resting and recovering from a broken ankle. It would be great if a few of us could provide her with meals while she is house bound. A simple meal will be deeply appreciated (Ciru lives with 2 others in their flat) and if there is a problem with getting the meals to her, Kofe is happy to have them dropped off at the office for me to organize delivery of.
· Next week, Kofe will be ordering the Diocesan Lent Study books. If your Home Group would like copies, please let me know. They are going at $8 a copy. (Lent this year begins with Ash Wednesday on the 5th March.)
· Please hold Paula and Martin in your prayers as they head off to Canada to see their son and enjoy a time of skiing and rejuvenation. This is a VERY well-earned holiday for Paula who will be greatly missed!!!
Please note that while Paula is away and Ciru recuperating, the parish office will NOT BE manned as normal! So if you have any urgent requirements, please feel free to contact your Vicar on 020 4132 6302.
Our People, Our Place
Do keep those wonderful “Our People, Our Place” profiles rolling in!
Diocesan Prayer Community - Reminder
The Diocesan Prayer Community has been operating since March this year. This Community identifies the issues which challenge our Diocese (and parish!) and join each other in praying for those issues.
Do consider signing up to pray with others from other parishes. You will receive regular updates and forms of encouragement from our Archdeacon of Regeneration & Mission, and it only takes a few minutes of our time each day or week.
Please let the Vicar know if you’re interested.
Helpful info
It’s easy to connect and get involved with some great social and faith-focused groups that meet regularly across the parish. You can find out about all our regular groups on our Groups page. If you have any questions, just click the contact button to connect with the group’s organiser.
Need prayer?
We’d love to pray for you. See the ‘Prayer Support’ section on the Help & Support page for more information on how we can help with your prayer needs. There are confidential and anonymous options available.