Help and Support
Want to talk to someone?
Chat with the Vicar
Please contact Rev Kofe or speak with her after the Sunday morning service to arrange a time to chat during the week, either in the Parish office or for a coffee at a local cafe.
People’s Warden
Anyone is welcome to contact the People’s Warden if you have any questions or concerns and you are not sure who to speak to. They will be able to help you or point you in the right direction.
Prayer support
Those seeking confidential prayer support are welcome to contact Vicar Kofe.
Prayer Requests
We have a dedicated Prayer Co-Ordinator Liz, and Prayer Ministry Team who look after any prayer requests. Prayer requests can be anonymous if you’d prefer. Select the button below to enter your prayer request online.
Sunday prayer time
One-on-one prayer is available for anyone that's interested either during or after the Sunday morning services.
Spiritual Resources
Our resources page has a list of themed resources and helpful links to apps and libraries
Advocacy services are available through Anglican Care’s advocacy programmes
Get connected
It’s easy to connect and get involved with some great social and faith-focused groups that meet regularly across the parish.
Community support
These are all self-referred services, so you can approach them directly if you need help or support in these areas
Familial Trust - provides hope, wellbeing and understanding to families impacted by addiction.
Christchurch Central Service (CCS) – Tuhaūora Alcohol And Other Drug Co-ordination
The Salvation Army Bridge Centre (Alcohol and Drug Support)
Phone: (03) 338 443Odyssey House Christchurch - Therapeutic support and education to clients with drug and alcohol addiction
Te Whatu Ora Mental Health and Addiction Support Services
Building 15, Hillmorton Hospital, Annex Road South, Middleton, Christchurch, 8024
Phone: (03) 335 4350
Beneficiary Advisory Service - provides information, support and advocacy for those on a benefit.
(03) 379 8787Christchurch Budget Service - free budgeting service assisting individuals with finance and debt problems. Meets at their office or in clients homes
(03) 366 3422Kingdom Resources - free budget advice and education courses, Career advice and support for jobseekers
(03) 332 1700
Free Brief Intervention Talking Therapy (BITT) - ask your GP or if in work enquire to your employer for workplace support (spouses can also use this)Petersgate Counselling Centre - affordable counselling located at Upper Riccarton
(03) 343 3391The Arahura Centre - Counselling and Psychotherapy
(03) 338 1080Canterbury Men's Centre - Affordable counselling (first session free)
(03) 365 9000Women's Centre - up to 10 free counselling sessions
(03) 371 7414Lifeline Aotearoa - A Free Mental Health Support And Counselling Service available 24/7
St John Christchurch Health Shuttle - A voluntary donation/koha shuttle service in Christchurch for health related appointments
0800 103 046
Vaka Tautua Canterbury - a national ‘by Pacific, for Pacific’ mental health, disability and social services provider.
0800 825 282Le Va - Information and support for Pasifika families on mental health, addiction and suicide prevention.
(09) 261 3490
Christchurch Resettlement Services - supporting people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
(03) 335 0311 ext 22Canterbury Refugee Resettlement and Resources Centre (CRRRC) - a free and confidential Drop-In Centre for those who need guidance or help about the resettlement issues.
(03) 377 2544
Plunket - Whānau Āwhina - Plunket is a charity and Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest support service for the health and wellbeing of tamariki under-five and their whānau.
Appointments and Enquires - 0800 184 803
Plunketline - 0800 933 922Early Start - offered to Canterbury families with newborn babies, where social and family circumstances may put at risk the health and well-being of their children
(03) 365 9087Presbyterian Support Family Works - social services for young people and their families
0800 477 874Parenting Place Christchurch - Parenting coaching, techniques, tools and support.
021 712 173
Anglican Elder Care Canterbury - The Elder Care Groups aim to address social isolation among older people and have a strong emphasis on all aspects of health and well-being including spiritual. They offer programmes (usually half day) of exercise, social and other activities focussed on well-being and friendship.
Age concern - the lead organisation in Canterbury that connects, supports, empowers, celebrates and respects all older people in an inclusive community
(03) 366 0903
Family Works Christchurch (Presbyterian Support Upper South Island)
44 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch Central
0800 477 874