Annual Services
We have a wide range of special annual events within the parish, to celebrate significant dates in the Christian calendar and to connect with our wider community.
Advent Sunday Services - 9:30am & 11am
Lessons and Carols Service - 10am
A special combined service with Bible readings and a mixture of traditional and contemporary Advent and Christmas carols
Christingle Sunday Service - 4pm
A special children's service where the Christmas story is read and a variety of activities are offered for all to participate in.
Christmas Eve - 11pm
Carols and 'Midnight Eucharist' candlelight Communion Service
Christmas Day - 10am
A combined family service with Communion and carols
Holy Week & Easter
Palm Sunday
A Communion Service which reflects Christ's journey into Jerusalem. There is usually a procession with palms and the congregation are invited to take a Palm Cross home with them.
Maundy Thursday 7pm - hosted by nearby Cashmere Presbyterian
A traditional evening service with Communion and foot washing for those who wish to participate.
Good Friday - Cashmere Presbyterian & St Augustine's
The traditional walk with the cross starts at nearby Cashmere Presbyterian for those that want to join in (approx 8 mins walk), followed by a service at St Augustine's.
Easter Day
A celebratory Communion service as we rejoice in the good news of Christ's resurrection.
Ash Wednesday 7pm
This is an evening service with Holy Communion and "Imposition of ashes"; where ashes from small woven palm crosses used in Palm Sunday the previous year are re-collected from parishioners, burned and an ash cross drawn on the forehead to signify our mortality.