Annual Services

We have a wide range of special annual events within the parish, to celebrate significant dates in the Christian calendar and to connect with our wider community.

Decorative Christmas image of the nativity scene


Advent Sunday Services - 9:30am & 11am

Lessons and Carols Service - 10am
A special combined service with Bible readings and a mixture of traditional and contemporary Advent and Christmas carols

Christingle Sunday Service - 4pm
A special children's service where the Christmas story is read and a variety of activities are offered for all to participate in.

Christmas Eve - 11pm
Carols and 'Midnight Eucharist' candlelight Communion Service

Christmas Day - 10am
A combined family service with Communion and carols

Interior of St Augustine's Church decorated with palm fronds for a Palm Sunday service

Holy Week & Easter

Palm Sunday
A Communion Service which reflects Christ's journey into Jerusalem. There is usually a procession with palms and the congregation are invited to take a Palm Cross home with them.

Maundy Thursday 7pm - hosted by nearby Cashmere Presbyterian
A traditional evening service with Communion and foot washing for those who wish to participate.

Good Friday - Cashmere Presbyterian & St Augustine's
The traditional walk with the cross starts at nearby Cashmere Presbyterian for those that want to join in (approx 8 mins walk), followed by a service at St Augustine's.

Easter Day
A celebratory Communion service as we rejoice in the good news of Christ's resurrection.

Image of a young man with an ash cross on his forehead


Ash Wednesday 7pm
This is an evening service with Holy Communion and "Imposition of ashes"; where ashes from small woven palm crosses used in Palm Sunday the previous year are re-collected from parishioners, burned and an ash cross drawn on the forehead to signify our mortality.