Weekly Notices - 19th January 2025

We returned a week or two back from an amazing month-long road trip in the North Island (culminating of course with Christmas with our 19 month old granddaughter!)

As you undoubtedly know, we live in the most beautiful country.  It seems like every bend in the road provided us with yet another vista of breathtaking beauty.   What especially fascinated me was the variety in this beauty

An old-time Salvation Army song travelled with me!  It seemed to sum up our road trip, past years and the new year ahead.  Here’s some lines from this song.  You might like to look it up online and choose your favourite rendition

As the varied way of life we journey,
Come the plains and then the mountainside,
Come the days of joy when birds are singing,
And the world is fair and sweet and wide…..

There are shadows on the earthly pathway
Where, at times uncertainly, we tread;
In perplexity we halt and linger
Till our faith again is upward led…..

In the days of peace and golden sunshine,
In the days of joy, or days of woe,
There is confidence in Him who holds us;
There is light to guide us here below.

God brought deep reassurance to my soul as I played this music over and over, reassurance that he would be on my journey whatever and wherever it leads this year.

As you begin your own “varied way” into 2025,  may “the confidence in Him who holds us” also carry you through a God-blessed year.  And may you easily notice your vistas of breathtaking beauty along the way!

Arohanui ~ Christine de Senna

This Sunday’s service (19th January)

Theme: ‘God on the mountain

Sentence: ‘We call to mind your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple. As your name is great O God, so is your praise to the ends of the earth.’ Psalm 48:9,10

We pray you, Jesus, take the old water, our busy, conscientious lives, and turn them into gospel wine, that everyone may see your life and thirst; Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.    

Readings: Isaiah 62: 1-5 and John 2: 1-11     

Parish News

We will not be holding our regular mid-week Wednesday morning service during January.  However, if you feel you need Home Communion and /or prayer, please let Rev. Kofe know.  She is happy to come and share with you.

Our People, Our Place

Do keep those wonderful “Our People, Our Place” profiles rolling in!

Diocesan Prayer Community - Reminder

The Diocesan Prayer Community has been operating since March this year. This Community identifies the issues which challenge our Diocese (and parish!) and join each other in praying for those issues.

Do consider signing up to pray with others from other parishes. You will receive regular updates and forms of encouragement from our Archdeacon of Regeneration & Mission, and it only takes a few minutes of our time each day or week.

Please let the Vicar know if you’re interested.

Helpful info




It’s easy to connect and get involved with some great social and faith-focused groups that meet regularly across the parish. You can find out about all our regular groups on our Groups page. If you have any questions, just click the contact button to connect with the group’s organiser.


Need prayer?

We’d love to pray for you. See the ‘Prayer Support’ section on the Help & Support page for more information on how we can help with your prayer needs. There are confidential and anonymous options available.


Weekly Notices - 26th January 2025


Weekly Notices - 12th January 2025