Weekly Notices - 17th Nov 2024
Sometimes, in the busy rotations of our lives, we get carried away by the loudness of the culture we are surrounded by and the expectations of the community we live in.
Eleven months into the year, we are reminded that we should take time out to be quiet and to reflect on the goodness of God and the promises of hope He still gives us – if only we are still enough to hear Him. For us to be still and quiet, we need to have faith. Faith in God’s promises; Faith in a future with God’s guidance; Faith that no matter where we are, God will meet us. Its like that beautiful image of a hand reaching down in a mist of neediness, to one reaching upwards for help and companionship!
It is a good time, as we draw closer to the Season of Advent, to take another look at the Faith we carry, and the challenges we face as we share that Faith in a culture and community that has largely turned insular and self-seeking where any form of belief system is concerned. Let us be encouraged that even in our dark valleys and our misty moments, God reaches down to us with His goodness and love. And let us take that with us as we prepare to enter the blessed Season of Advent.
May God continue to bless St Aug’s ~ Your Friend and Vicar, Kofe
Vicar Kofe
This Sunday’s service (17th Nov)
Theme: ‘God our Hope‘’
Sentence: ‘The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; he will give strength to his king, and exalt the power of his anointed.’ 1 Samuel 2:10
God, our ruler and guide,
when we come to the place where the road divides,
keep us true to the way of Christ,
alive to the present opportunities,
and confident of eternal life.
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Readings: 1 Samuel 1: 4 – 20 and Mark 13: 1 – 8
Parish News
9 Lessons & Carols coming up on Sunday 22nd Dec at 10am. We are looking for Readers for this service please. If you anticipate still being in Christchurch on that date, and can help, please let Kofe know.
Annual Day of Giving, your Vestry would like to ask that you please prayerfully consider a contribution, over and above what you regularly give.
Please spend a few moments reading and digesting our Treasurer’s write-up. We desperately need our roof repairs done, and are in dire need of funds to carry this out.
Our People, Our Place
Do keep those wonderful “Our People, Our Place” profiles rolling in!
Loki and Friends Play Verdi
Our organist Loki and friends (on trumpets) play a short snippet of the Grand March from the opera Aida by Verdi on 18 August 2024
Diocesan Prayer Community - Reminder
The Diocesan Prayer Community has been operating since March this year. This Community identifies the issues which challenge our Diocese (and parish!) and join each other in praying for those issues.
Do consider signing up to pray with others from other parishes. You will receive regular updates and forms of encouragement from our Archdeacon of Regeneration & Mission, and it only takes a few minutes of our time each day or week.
Please let the Vicar know if you’re interested.
St Aug’s & Beyond…
Handel’s MESSIAH Saturday 7 December, 7.30pm Christchurch Town Hall with the CSO
Dr John Linker Music Director
Sarah Jane Rennie Soprano
Margot Button Mezzo Soprano
Patrick Power ONZM Tenor
Samuel McKeever Bass
Helpful info
It’s easy to connect and get involved with some great social and faith-focused groups that meet regularly across the parish. You can find out about all our regular groups on our Groups page. If you have any questions, just click the contact button to connect with the group’s organiser.
Need prayer?
We’d love to pray for you. See the ‘Prayer Support’ section on the Help & Support page for more information on how we can help with your prayer needs. There are confidential and anonymous options available.