Weekly Notices - 30 June 2024

As I look back on last Sunday, I remember asking for prayers over myself as I walked the different pathways of a busy Sunday.

This week, I once again, seek your prayers as I travel to Fiji to be with my younger sister who lost her husband earlier in the week. Many times I struggle with the inter-cultural clashes I must face so that I can remain true to God’s calling in my life – this is one of those times!

I am absolutely grateful for the Rev’s John and Christine de Senna who have, without hesitation, taken over my Sunday tasks this week!

As I begin my journey over the Pacific, I hold close the theme we look at this week: Jesus’ Healing over two very different individuals, and I embrace the Truth of what Christ can do for us any time we fully acknowledge His Presence. I metaphorically relate to both the Haemorrhaging Woman and the young 12 year old girl (equivalent to a 20 year old in todays world?) as I muddle my way through the challenges of last minute travel and a forced absence from you all.

May we continue to see in each other, the importance of physical presence and support for each other, especially through Prayer.

God bless St Aug’s,

Your Friend and Vicar, Kofe.


Today’s service

Theme: Matariki

Sentence: ‘The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.’ Lamentations 3:22–23

Collect: Save us, Lord, from the worship of power or science. Save us from making you in our image, and keep us humble. Praise to you our God; you answer prayer. Amen.

Readings: Mark 5: 21-34 & Mark 5: 35-43

Monthly Prayer Focus for the month of June: The strengthening of our Prayer Ministry Team.


Parish News

Vicar Kofe away

Due to the unexpected death of her sister’s husband - Kofe is now away until next Thursday (July 4th). For all urgent matters during this period, please contact Jo Ashton-Martyn.

New Parish Directory

The Parish Directory for 2024-2025 is now available (in booklet and A4 form) at the back of the Church

Prayer Ministry Team Retreat

The Prayer Ministry Team is hosting a morning retreat here at St Augs on: Saturday 6th July 2024 - 9:30am-12pm.

We would love to see this group grow - if you have a heart for prayer and would like to get more involved in the ministry of prayer, please come along. There will be a session on 'one-one prayer training' and another session on reviewing the book 'Beholding, Deepening Our Experience in God' by Straham Coleman. For more details contact Liz Hay, Christine de Senna or Jenny Marshall.


St Aug’s & Beyond…

Living Faith Conference

PRAY DISCIPLE INSPIRE - Bring your parish team and join us for the 2024 Living Faith Diocesan Conference! With Guest Speakers: Elanor SANDERSON, Dallas HAREMA, Grant NORSTWORTHY

This will be a great opportunity for spiritual growth and encouragement as we hear from inspirational leaders who canhelp us grow in confidence in our faith and get better at making new disciples. There will also be a Q & A discussion panel to address your questions.

This conference is for everyone - younger, older, exploring faith, new to faith and the seasoned Christian.

So bring a friend, join a group and register!

Tickets $40/pp, see Jo Ashton Martyn for these, or, scan the bar code on the poster below for this event at the back of the Church, or visit www.bit.ly/LivingFaithConference


Cathedral Reinstatement Project Update

(Summary) post Synod 22/06/2024

Subject to a funding pathway to completion of the reinstated Cathedral we have agreed to contribute a further $16.2m of Diocesan funds to the Project. Since a significant portion of this amount would come from the sale of the Transitional Cathedral site, any such sale will need to be on the basis of that pathway being established (since otherwise we need to remain on that site) and on the condition that we have continued use of the site until we return to the Square. We also resolved to support CPT accepting recommendations to descope the Project such as reducing the seismic strength of the building from 100% New Building Standard to 67% of that standard, and deferring construction of the proposed Visitors' Centre and Cathedral Centre to an unknown future date. Accepting such recommendations will reduce the overall cost of completion of construction from $248m (as announced on 6 April 2024) to $219m or lower.


City Mission

Check out the latest City Mission newsletter Reach Out featuring our very own Carlie Jones!


Helpful info


Online Giving - “Green” Tokens (trial) for the Offertory Plate

Hey lovely people, now that the majority of you donate ‘on-line’ we have created green tokens for you to place (if you wish) into the offertory plate. These tokens will then be blessed at the front of the Church along with any other cash/envelopes. If you would like to join those who give regularly online, you can find all the details you’ll need on the Giving Page.



It’s easy to connect and get involved with some great social and faith-focused groups that meet regularly across the parish. You can find out about all our regular groups on our Groups page. If you have any questions, just click the contact button to connect with the group’s organiser.


Need prayer?

We’d love to pray for you. See the ‘Prayer Support’ section on the Help & Support page for more information on how we can help with your prayer needs. There are confidential and anonymous options available.


Weekly Notices - 7 July 2024